Sunday, April 11, 2010

To the left or the write...:)

Okay, I've been told for quite some time that I should blog because everyone blogs.  Well, that wasn't quite a good enough reason for me to undertake something which would 1) take regular time from my day and b)run the risk of being yet another dry series of real estate articles nobody follows unless they are looking for a cure for insomnia.

I had to figure something a bit different, in order to create my own enthusiasm and, thus, the enthusiasm of YOU, John and Jane Q. Public...:)  So, prepare to be on a stream-of-consciousness ride with me as I keep you to date on my listings (I am honored to say that I am in the top 1% of real estate agents nationwide) and bring you all things "home" and a few odds and ends as they catch my fancy.  I'll also include up-to-date news about the housing and mortgage market, and, hopefully, be the spot which holds your favorite real estate tidbits and surprising treasures!
